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Welcome to

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Jackson Center, Ohio


Jesus Christ the Light of the World

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Here at Grace Lutheran, we desire to be a beacon of light pointing to the true Light of the World who is Jesus. He gives light to our dark nights of the soul, dark situations that overshadow each of us. Jesus is the One who brings hope and light in the midst of any darkness
we may experience. Join us to worship and praise the Lord Jesus who brings light to our lives through his living words to us.


Sunday Worship times

8:00am - Traditional Lutheran liturgy of the Divine Service led by organ and choir

9:15am - Sunday School and Bible Study for all ages

10:30am - Contemporary Worship led by our praise band


Holy Communion

8:00am Service -   1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

10:30am Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.




Here at Grace Lutheran we have diverse offerings for a variety of ages that will help you to
grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Video Sermons

Participate in the most recent worship service as you take that next step to connect to Jesus, the Living Word

“Let each one give thoughtfully and with purpose just as he has decided in his heart,
not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift.”.” 

2 Corinthians 9:7

BE inspired by GOD's Daily Word

Jackson Center
Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
607 S. Main St.
PO Box 328
Jackson Center, Ohio 45334

(937) 596-6516

Contact Us

Thank you -- we'll be in touch!

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©2024 by Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

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